Music, folk dance, and vibrant video mapping combine for the theatrical show, Dialogos del Conquistador at Casa Montejo at the Gran Plaza. Using mixed media elements to tell the story of the temporary colonization of the Mayan culture, this performance will leave you moved by the Mayan determination and resistance. Presented free of charge by the city of Merida weekly.
The entire facade of Casa Montejo is covered with colorful projections while actors, Trova performers, and the city’s folkloric ballet act out the dialogue in front of you. The street is closed off and folding chairs for seating are arranged in a U shape in front of the building. Performers will go in and out of the large front doors, so position yourself to include that view as well as the entire building front. It is easy to attend even if you are using a wheelchair, as the street is relatively flat and the sidewalks have curb cuts at the intersections.
I particularly liked the live-action combined with the recorded video projections for Dialogos del Conquistador. As an added bonus, there is an English translation of the presentation projected alongside the live-action portion, allowing non-Spanish speakers the ability to keep up with the story. It is another wonderful example of a free cultural performance provided by the city of Merida. See if you find yourself rooting for the Mayan heroine, too.
You’ll find this at Calle 63 x 60 and 62, in the heart of the Gran Plaza, Centro District.