A Mexican taqueria hidden in Chattanooga’s Southside, yet right on Broad St. Tucked away in the back corner of Carniceria Loa 7 is a prepared food service counter. There are tables, or you can take your fresh, authentic, street-style tacos with you… like we always did. Fortunately, our Airbnb was so close that they were still perfect when we returned home.
They have maybe 12 classic styles of Mexican tacos, but my favorite is the chorizo! They pack these tacos full, so you will need a fork for everything that spills out. Excellent tamales and flan, too. Be sure to grab a huge bag of their fresh tortilla chips and some salsa to complete your meal. I loved finding Mexican treats like Penguinos and Sponch, just like I used to love in Mexico!
Because this is a small grocery, some aisles were a bit narrow… as you might expect. I think a power chair might have difficulty maneuvering some tight turns, but I had no problem with my manual chair. It was easy to roll right into the shop from the handicapped parking spaces out front. To order your tacos, head for the cashier by the front door. There will be a menu board if you look over your left shoulder, so you can see all the tasty options. Order and pay there, then head to the right through the produce section to the counter to watch your tacos be prepared before your eyes. I’m almost embarrassed to admit how many times we got tacos here during our time in Chattanooga. These were the best tacos we’ve had since living in Mexico. Yum!