Corpus Christi Cathedral is a large sunny yellow colonial-style Catholic church. It is considered an iconic landmark in the area, approximately one mile south of the town square or Parque Benito Juarez. The church is still a very active parish with daily services. The bells ring out daily to call the community to services each morning and evening. There are five services on Sundays including one for guests. For those who don’t understand the spoken Spanish service, the church has printed English programs.
There is a lovely park across the street with fragrant trees and a large gazebo that hosts community events, entertainment, and recreational classes. It is a well-kept park with walkways and gathering areas swept free from debris every morning.
Both the church and the park are wheelchair accessible and it is possible to roll along the sidewalk from the oceanfront to the church. The front of the church is on Avenida 20 between Calles 15 and 17 Sur.